Trevor Randall Insurance Agency - Logo

Are You Overpaying on Homeowners Insurance?

Does Your Roof Have Full Replacement Coverage? Are You Sure?

Take 5 Minutes to Save Money on Your Oklahoma Homeowners Insurance.

If you haven’t compared insurance rates in over 3 years, then you could be paying several hundred dollars more than you should.

Oklahoma Home Insurance Specialists

The Average Household Saves Near $800. And Gets Full Replacement Roofing Coverage.

Move Your Home Insurance to the Trevor Randall Insurance Agency and Save.

Hail and Storm Coverage

Full replacement coverage means you won't pay thousands after a storm.

Liability and Injury Coverage

Avoid surprise medical and legal bills. Let us help protect you from accidents.

Theft Coverage

Get help replacing the stolen items so your life can move forward.

— About Us

Your Insurance Agent Should Live in Oklahoma

Oklahoma has tornadoes, hail, earthquakes, and high numbers of uninsured drivers.

Your insurance agent should live here, so they understand the insurance coverage that actually matters for Oklahomans.

It isn’t our goal to be the cheapest insurance company because less coverage can lead to surprise bills when the eventual hail storm hits.

The goal is to make sure you are fully covered without overpaying. Call us to save money with the right insurance coverage.

Our Process

Start with a quick call or email to get your insurance quote.
You deserve complete coverage at a low price. Let us save you money on your insurance.


Ask For a Quote

Take 5 minutes to tell us about your current insurance and needs.


Review Your Savings

See how much you save when moving to Trevor Randall Insurance.


Enjoy Lunch On Us

As thanks for talking about insurance. Save money and get lunch on us.

— New Client Promise

New Client Promise

We know no one wants to talk insurance.

Take 5 minutes to see if you are spending too much on your current insurance.

Then, enjoy lunch on us.

New Client Promise

Lunch on Us

— Testimonials

What Our Families Say

— Contacts

Ready to Save Money?

Start your online quote or call us to find out how the Trevor Randall Insurance Agency can help you save money with the right Oklahoma car, home, and business insurance. It is time for you to stop paying too much money.


2009 N Kelly Ave Ste 100
Edmond, OK 73003


MON-FRI: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM